The garment bag bagging stand also known as garment bag dispenser racks are commonly utilized by boutique shops, clothing retail shops, dry cleaners, alteration shops and much more. Bag dispensers with garment hangers are used to place articles of clothing into a garment bag without much effort.
We offer two different styles of polybag dispenser racks: single roll garment bag rack and 3 roll garment bag stand.
Single role garment bag dispensers are ideal for a limited space environment. Simply place one next to your checkout stand and start bagging your garments effortlessly.
Three role garment bag stand can hold up to 3 garment bags. The three-garment bag dispenser jack is ideal for retailers who sell garments that are different lengths. Simply place different size garment bags on each one of the 3 available holders and give yourself the ability to bag different size garments.
Garment bags for garment bag stands are sold separately.
If you need assistance selecting a garment bag dispensing rack that will fit your needs, please contact us and one of our product specialist will assist you.